Monday, 10 September 2012

It's not about the ..........

No offense Jessie J, but I am inclined to think that you are left to simply ‘make the world dance’ because the ‘money, money, money’ is already taken care of, by your record contract presumably.

Although our little company was born out of a passion for change, we are very much beholden to the bank, or rather the grant, in order to get it off the ground.  My kids love that song and I am very taken with the sentiment; being motivated by belief, not image and cash is admirable, aspirational even, but you sort of need the cash stash too, or it remains just a just a dream.  I am sure this is no revelation to you!

Yet there is a beacon of hope on the horizon, we have been provisionally awarded a grant by the lovely folks at Awards for All.  Hooray, cue the music, balloons, dancers and most importantly…. the dishwasher!  Renee and I are extremely excited and mentally spending it on delightful equipment for the kitchen.  No more ‘crazy cat lady’ stares and comments as we drag our blenders around the corner in shopping trollies, no more piling the dishes high on the tiny draining rack, HUZZAH! Of course we must be more measured in reality.  The money is not ours until it is in the bank and there are strict parameters about what we can spend it on, but each and every item will be needed and cherished. We can also set about planning a celebration event with games, merchandise, free food and entertainment, just as we dreamed.  I am feeling blessed.

Please do not think that my opening rant is change of heart on my part.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  I am as much now as I have always been and always will be a believer in living according to your beliefs and morals; my ideals, my faith and my family will always be my motivators.  I guess my point is that you have to work bloomin’ hard to put the wheels in motion and get the help you need, financial or otherwise.  

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